Torc Web Design specialises in both generic copywriting and web content writing.
We have worked with advertising agencies and businesses nationwide to produce effective corporate communications, and promotional and marketing materials. As content writers, we provide companies with comprehensive and cost-effective solutions to their short-term and long-term copywriting needs.
We also write search-engine optimized website content for international and domestic websites.

High-quality writing saves time and makes money
Why use a professional writer? First, because he or she is an expert and know exactly what is required. We all speak and write English, but that does not mean we are all experts in writing specialised, effective content, any more than we are all experts in legal matters.
Secondly, because a professional writer will work rapidly whereas a non-expert may spend days working on text that proves inadequate, and meanwhile neglects profitable work that he or she is good at.

Torc Web Design content and copy writers will:
Ensure that your new website has great, well-presented copy
Improve and rewrite your current website copy so that it is well-structured, clear, concise and compelling
Optimize your website copy so that it attracts the attention of the search engines
Make sure that your copy is technically correct (not riddled with errors (and even howlers)
Write copy that encourages your visitors to take action: sign up, contact, buy, etc

Summary of benefits
- Target your market audience
- Speak the language of your customers
- Impress them with messages they can relate to
- Establishing trust and credibility
- Satisfy ‘two-second scanners’ as well as those who wish to delve deeper
Tell website visitors clearly what to do next!
Let Google and the other search engines know what your website is about: meta details – with each custom page, we provide a catchy title, keywords and page description, while your keywords will be carefully placed throughout your website in a manner that fits Google guidelines Convey the right message to the right audience
Improve prospect-to-customer ratio
- Strengthen your brand
- Services offered by Torc Web Design
- Online and web copywriting
- Content writing
- SEO article writing
- Sales letters
- Marketing collateral
- Bulk content
- Blog writing and consulting
- Newsletter/Ezine writing
- Corporate profiles
- Product profiles and descriptions
- Website content
- Media kits
- Why the words matter
- Linkbait content (or clickbait, which Google’s Matt Cutts defines as anything “interesting enough to catch people’s attention”)

You can have a fabulous-looking website, but it won’t work for you if it’s riddled with spelling errors, bad grammar, baffling sentences, out-of-date content, duplicated content, text that is not optimized for the search engines, etc. If your website copy is sloppy, what will visitors think of your service or product?

Even if your content is clear and correct, though, it may be ineffective. What attracts people to your site? The words picked up by the search engines. What persuades them to do what you want them to do? Combined, of course, with a well-designed and effective website, it’s the words.

We all know when we need expert help (for example, to design a website) but, because we all speak English, people tend to think that they can produce excellent website copy themselves. It’ll save money, after all, won’t it? Not necessarily. For instance, a professional editor rewrote a sales letter.

It brought in an extra $11 million of new business(Source: Plain English Campaign). Even if some can write well, that doesn’t mean they can write excellent website copy.

Professional writing
A professional copywriter can change a boring paragraph into a sizzling sales pitch, sometimes with only a few words. Just one compelling phrase can make your visitor click the ‘Buy’ button or ‘Subscribe’ link.
Words convert visitors into prospects, clients or buyers, persuade people to contact you, bookmark you, buy from you.
And what do the wrong words do? As you know, people are particularly impatient when they’re browsing. A little lack of clarity, something that doesn’t make sense, lack of crucial information … ‘click’, they’re off to another website.